
In Latin, ad vertere means “to turn toward”. It is closely related to turning or persuading prospective consumer towards some items, idea or ideology.Advertising is promoting a product, idea and services.  It has convincing power and it convinces in friendlily manner to its target audience or reader or viewer.  Advertising informs as well as influences the public to buy products or services through visual or oral messages.  It is done to advertise and create awareness in the minds of potential buyers.  Advertisers need to use a medium through which advertisements could be produced. Some of the media for advertising are newspaper, radio, televisions, Internet, magazines, bill-boards, hoardings etc. Due to changing social trends advertising industry has grown rapidly.

History of advertisements is very old and trace can be found in Ancient green and Rome when lost and found advertising were common and were written on papyrus. The tradition of wall painting can be found in Indian rock art painting that was prevalent in 4000 BC.

Advertising is the process of brand-building through convincing and effective communication. It is a marketing tool that helps to create demand, promote marketing system and boost economic growth. It is the basis of marketing. A Book may be written by the author but the question arises who will buy and how the masses will know that a book has been published by a publishers.  Likewise, manufacturing shoes, tooth brush, electronic items, opening a school, starting a magazine is one aspect and creating the demands for these things is another and that is very crucial for the survival of these products or services.  We have seen when a mobile company launches a mobile set; it ensures that all the media give it proper attention and ensure that information about the launching of mobile go to the masses.

Thomas J Barratt of London is considered the father of modern advertising.   He created an effective advertising campaign for the pear soap company. Under his guidance Pears’ soap became popular as first legally registered brand of the world and thus is world’s oldest continuously existing brand.

Thus, advertising plays a vital role in today’s extremely competitive world. Every organization wants to make a place among the masses and for that it advertises its products or services.

Each organization or professional i.e. chemist, lawyer, chartered accountant, builder, insurance agent, web designer, school, college, university , dairy owner, player, film actor, leader or businessman want to promote their business or reputation hence want to advertise their services or product. With the advent of internet marketing the scenario has changed. Now with internet special focus is made on the select group of audience. Now new areas are emerging in advertising such as event management and image management. In event management events are marketed while in image management a particular profile of an individual or an organization is projected


Advertising aims the marketing function by helping the organization to sell its products and  services. Advertising educate the people about the new or old product or services.  In fact, sometime people are keenly interested in knowing about some product or services.  For example, when we want to buy some insurance policy, we want to know about its premium, duration, lock in period, loan facility available on it etc.  or we may want to purchase a television, when we are in search of job we go through newspapers, internet and try to find the suitable job which suits our education and expectation.

But, consumers must be aware and even should make a comparative study of different products available and if possible try to take reviews.  They need to make a judicious decision to select from the available options.

Advertisement plays a communicative and educative role.  It gives information about certain products.  Advertisers use different media such as words, written piece m music drama and many other things.


The person or organization that wants to promote its goods or services or idea resort to advertising.  It may be a shoe-manufacturing company, a mobile company, a detergent company who wants to raise its sales.  Advertising helps consumers to make informed buying decision. In advertising, there are many participants like advertiser, who wants to promote his product or services; advertising agencies, who prepare the advertising for the advertiser with the help of various supporting staff such as copywriter, designers, visualizers, photographers, musicians, directors; advertising media, which includes both print and electronic media and consumers, who uses these services and products.


Advertising can be broadly classified into two categories i.e. i. service or product related advertising or ii. Institutional advertisements.


Such advertising are published in the newspapers, magazines etc. These advertising are published under the heads  such as situation vacant, lost and found, matrimonial, sales, purchase part time work , to let etc.


As we know the newspapers are cluttered with various  kinds of advertisement when the advertiser want his advertisement to appear stand alone in this clutter he may add additional features to make them more effective .


In display advertising   various colorful and visual elements are added.


For advertising a product or services the owner or services provider publish their advertising in the newspapers, pamphlets, or magazine. Apart from it, they also give their advertising on the radio, television or internet.


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