Development is a very wide term. It is a state of growth or advancement and synonyms of progress and modernization.    It is very complex issue. Development is an empowerment.  Mass media have a great role in the developmental process of society, be it economic, political or social development.  Mass media may not have tools to change the state of things but various media may work as agents to change.  Media can create awareness and generate newer views and can interpret the situation at different level.  It can make the people aware about the shortcomings of system, planning and execution. The more developed the society, the more effective and powerful mass media become.  Mass media is dependent on society for its existence and society can be benefited by it in more than one ways.  The more educated and literate the people, better there understanding to the world and they are better at understanding the message or information disseminated or transmitted.  It may be used as a vehicle of progress by various societies.


Mass media can play more active and vital role in the countries like ours, where illiteracy, poverty and ignorance are rampant.   Mass media play the role of watchdog over various agencies and their functioning.   Mass media can motivate the masses on certain issues. In rural sector mass media can have a good role in exposing the various kinds of superstitions.  Despite all scientific and technological advancement still most of our villagers are orthodox and fatalist. Physical illness is attached with some superstition. Mass media can be used as a vehicle of development. Media can form and refined public opinion.  Television has penetrated into the lowest level of society and is doing the work of informing and educating. Role of mass media can be described as follows:

Agriculture: Agriculture is main activities in our rural area and around 70 per cent of our rural population is associated with agriculture.  Farmers can be informed, educated about the latest technologies.  Various media such television, radio and newspaper give news about the weather forecast. They get news about what is happening in their respect and what plans the government has put in place. Television and radio also broadcast specific programmed related to farmers and their problems.   Farmers get to know about the agricultural loan and the various banks providing the services.

Health:  Masses can be made aware about the disadvantages of large family and advantage of a small family.  In the filed of family planning, various media have played a very active role. Malnutrition is another problem facing our society.  Gender bias is also seen in the society.

Education and Social Development: Our society is facing a number of problems.  India is a country with diversity, illiteracy, poverty, gender bias, drugs, khap panchyat, hunger, over population.

Over-population and alarming Poverty: India’s population is around 1.34 billion.  It ranks second in the world and has 37th place in the population density.  Media can spread awareness about the advantage and disadvantages of large family.   India is a home to one-third of the world poor people.  According to a report by NCEUS-National commission for enterprises in the unorganized sector 25% Indian people live on less than 20 rupees per day. These people are living in utter poverty.  Their life is indefinite and insecure.  Mass media can highlight the issue and present their pitiful plight.  Media can promote the family planning at least government can publish the advertisement. But the people who earn just 20 rupees can they afford to buy a newspaper?  If one can afford to buy it what is the guarantee of his or her being educated to go through the newspaper.

Media are watched, read or seen by millions of people. Television has good penetration into the masses and can play and is playing a great role to inform, educate and entertain the masses.  We have seen on many occasions people glued to their television sets. Who can forget the time when on the broadcasting of    Ramayan and Mahabharat people happened to glue to their television sets.

Education: In the field of education mass media provides its service to educate the learners. Various educational programmer are being broadcasted d by radio, television etc. Newspapers are also good source of making the people aware about the various burning topics.  Along with it people’s hold over the language concerned gets firmer.

In this context the name of educet is worth-mentioning.    It was launched by Indian Space Research Organisation. This communication satellite was prepared to cater the educational needs of the society.  The first broadband network on EDUSAT for schools VICTERS (virtual class technology on edusat for rural schools was inaugurated by renowned scientists and former President of India, Dr A P J Abdul Kalam. It has brought a transformation in the concept of imparting of education. The primary aim of this education satellite was to cater the needs of children or learners who are not able to attend a school or college due to one or other reason. By using power point presentation classes are conducted by the education institutions such as NCERT, CBSE   or universities or state educational boards. Education is imparted through a studio environment.  Here we see the power of mass media where one source provide information or impart education to a wide range of masses.

Now, CDs and various kind of electric gadgets are in the services of masses.

Farmers:  Agriculture   is the foremost occupation of rural people. In rural area mass media can play very vital and effective role in rural area.  It can create awareness in the masses.  Mass media can do a great service in the rural area in removing all kinds of superstitions prevailed in the society.      Most of the villagers are orthodox and fatalist and even they avoid taking medicine and use their old traditional methods.

Political: Political parties use mass media to propagate their agenda and ideology.  They want to live in the minds of people and for that they find media as a vehicle through which they can spread their point of view.  Media coverage is needed to reach the masses.  They use television, radio, newspapers, pamphlets, magazines.  Interviews are given and manifestos are published. What are the shortcomings of the government, how we will change the situations. Going through the basic task of media, are used to inform, educate and influence the masses.

Moral Development: It is very unfortunate that mass media is being misused and even young children are falling victims of it.  Nowadays we see pornography is widely seen by even small children.  Various kinds of websites are active on the internets which are being used by these children. Media can enhance the moral upgradation of masses by its impactful influence.

Entertainer to the masses: Media entertain the masses.  People, who get tired after toiling from dawn to task, seek for some entertainment and light atmosphere.  They can fulfill their requirement, by watching a movie or drama, or any puppetry.  Films are great sources of entertainment which take us away from the intricacies of our daily life.

Science:  Science has progressed much and newer innovative inventions are taking place. Media can play crucial in developing scientific temperament in the masses.

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