1. ‘International Relations’ is the study of:

Ans. Relations among states

  1. When was Bretton Woods Conference concluded?

Ans. July 1944

  1. World War-II began in the year:

 Ans. 1939

     4.Who was the last President of USSR?

Ans. Mikhail Gorbachev

  1. Where is the headquarters of United Nations Environment Programme located?

 Ans. Nairobi, Kenya

  1. Who was leader of the USSR during World War – II?

Ans. Stalin

     7. Where is the headquarters of Inter-Parliamentary Union located?

Ans. Geneva, Switzerland

  1. Which alliance was founded to counter NATO?

Ans. Warsaw Pact

  1. Who were the founders of Inter Parliamentary Union?

Ans. William Randal Cremer and Frederic Passy

  1. When was League of Nations founded?


     11.Year 2021-2030 was declared by the United Nations as a decade for:

Ans. International Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable

Development and United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration

  1. When was United Nations environment programme (UNEP) established?

Ans. 1972

  1. When was Inter parliamentary Union founded?

Ans. 1889

  1. NPT was signed in:

 Ans. 1968

  1. Who founded USSR?

Ans. Vladimir Lenin

     16. Where is the headquarters of World Food Programme?
Ans. Rome, Italy


  1. Where is the headquarters of International Civil Aviation Organization located?
Ans. Montreal, Canada


  1. Where is the headquarters of International Cricket Council (ICC) located?

Ans. Dubai, UAE

  1. With which theory is Hans Morgenthau associated?

Ans. Realism Theory:

  1. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is an American animal rights organization. When was it founded?

Ans.22 March, 1980

  1. With whose support was USSR expelled from Afghanistan?

Ans. With the support of USA

  1. Where is the headquarters of Universal Postal Union located?

Ans. Berne, Switzerland

  1. Where is the headquarters of International Maritime Organization situated?

Ans. London

  1. Where is the headquarters of Amnesty International located?

Ans. London

  1. Where is the headquarters of Non Aligned Movement located?

Ans. Jakarta (Indonesia)

  1. Where is the headquarters of International Criminal Police organization (INTERPOL) situated?

Ans. Lyon, France

  1. Where is the headquarters of Gulf Co-operation Council located?

 Ans. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

     28. Where is the headquarters of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) situated?

 Ans. Brussels, Belgium

  1. Where is the headquarters of European Union (EU)?

Ans. Brussels, Belgium

  1. Who is of opinion that Middle East is a ‘patch work of states’?

Ans. Henry Kissinger

  1. Bipolar World means:

Ans. Having Two Superpowers

  1. Where is located the headquarters of World Posts Association?

Ans. Bern, Switzerland 

  1. Who publishes the Global Education Monitoring Report?


  1. Why is the Red Notice issued by INTERPOL?

Ans. To seek the arrest or provisional arrest of wanted persons with a

view to extradition. 

  1. Why is Yellow Notice issued by INTERPOL? 

Ans. To help locate missing persons, often minors, or to help identify

persons who are unable to identify themselves. 

  1. Where is the headquarters of World Economic Forum situated? 

Ans. Geneva, Switzerland 

  1. Where is the headquarters of International Hydrographic Organization situated? 

Ans. Monaco 

  1. Where is the headquarters of Worldwide Fund for Nature located? 

Ans. Gland, Switzerland 

  1. Where is the headquarters of Transparency International situated? 

Ans. Berlin 

  1. Where is the headquarters of International Renewable Energy Agency located? 

Ans. Abu Dhabi (UAE) 

  1. Where is the headquarters of International Atomic Energy Agency located? 

Ans. Vienna 

  1. How much World GDP Group-20 nations accounts for? 

Ans. 80% 

  1. Which organization publishes the World Competitiveness Report? 

Ans. World Economic Forum 

  1. What are two mainstream theories of IR? 

Ans. Realism and Idealism 

  1. Who publishes the World Work Report? 

Ans. International Labor Organization 

  1. Who publishes the World Happiness Report? 

Ans.  United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network 

  1. Where is the headquarters of Greenpeace organization located?

Ans. Amsterdam, Netherlands

  1. Where was the United Nations Charter signed at a conference in 1945? 

Ans. San Francisco 

  1. When was UNCTAD founded? 

Ans. 1966       

  1. In which year, the General Agreement on Tariff and Trade was merged with the World Trade Organization?

Ans. 1995

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