Questions related to Invention/Discovery and Inventor/Discoverer are asked in various competitive examinations such as SSC, Banking, UPSC, Railways, LIC etc. Here is the detailed list of Invention/Discovery and Inventor/Discoverer. To enhance the knowledge of candidates about Invention/Discovery and Inventor/Discoverer , the details of Invention/Discovery and Inventor/Discoverer are given hereunder:
Please go through these facts and secure your success.

S.No. Invention/Discovery Inventor/Discoverer
1 Photoelectric effect Albert Einstein
2 Aeroplane Wright Brothers
3 Air conditioner W.H. Carrier
4 Alpha and Beta Particles Ernest Rutherford
5. Artificial heart Willam Kolff
Atom bomb Otto Hahn
6 Atomic Nucleus Ernest Rutherford
7 Atomic Structure Bohr and Rutherford
8 Atomic Theory Dalton
5 Balloon Jacques & Joseph
6 Ball-point Pen C. Biro
7 Barometer E Torricelli
9 Bicycle K Macmillan
10 Black hole Stephen Hawking
11 Calculator B. Pascal
12 Centigrade scale Celsius
13 Cinematograph Thomas Alva Edison
14 Cinema A L and J L lumiere
15 Clock Hsing and Ling Tsan
16 Computer Charles Babbage
17 Crescograph J C Bose
18 Dynamite Alfred Novel
19 Dynamo Michael Faraday
20 Dynamo (Principal) Michael Faraday
21 Electric Motor Michael Faraday
22 Electromagnet W. Sturgeon
23 Film D. Le de Forest
24 Fountain Pen L.E. Waterman
25 Gas Lighting William Murdoch
26 Gramophone Thomas Elva Edison
27 Gravity Newton
28 Holography Davis Gabor
29. Insulin Banting the Best
29 Jet Engine Sir Frank Whittle
30 Law of electrolysis Michael Faraday
31 Lift E G Ottis
32 Lighting conductor Benjamin Franklin
33 Locomotive Richard Trevithick
34 Locomotive engine Stevenson
35 Logarithms John Napier
36 Machinegun Gating
37 Magnifying glass Roger Bacon
38 Mercury barometer Evangelista Torricelli
39 Microphone A G Bell
40 Microscope Z Janssen
41 Motor car Karl Benz
43 Motorcycle Gottlieb Daimler
44 Neutron James Chadwick
45 Nuclear fission Otto Hahn
46 Principle of relativity Albert Eienstien
47 Printing press Johannes Gutenberg
48 Proton Ernest Rutherford
49 Quantum Law Max Plank
50 Radar Robert Watson-Watt
51 Radio G Marconi
52 Radium Pierre and Marie Curie
53 Rayon American Visco Co
54 Revolver Samuel Colt
55 Refrigerator J Harrison
56 Rubber (water proof) Charles Machintosh
57 Safety Engine James Watt
58 Safety Lamp Sir Humphrey Davy
58 Safety Match John Walker
59 Safety razor Gillete
60 Scooter G Bradshaw
61 Shorthand Sir Issac Pitman
62 Spinning Frame Sir Richarad Arkwright
63 Spinning Machine James Hargreaves
64 Steam engine James Watt
65 Steel Production Henry Bessemer
66 Submarine Bushnail
67 Tape recorder V Paulsen
68 Telephone Grham Bell
69 Television J L Bayerd
70 Theory of relativity Albert Eisntein
71 Thermometer Galileo Galilel
72 Tyre J.B. Dunlop
73 X-rays Wilhelm Routgen

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